Lodge Officers 2023

Worshipful Master W. Bro. T.G. Cole
Senior Warden W. Bro. B.T. Cooke
Junior Warden Bro P. Jenkins
Treasurer V.W. Bro. C. McAteer
Secretary W. Bro. W. Chapman
Director of Ceremonies W. Bro. D. Perry
Steward of Charities Bro P. Jenkins
Almoner W. Bro. W. Chapman
Chaplain W. Bro. S. Higgins
Senior Deacon Bro. M. Speakman
Junior Deacon V.W. Bro. S. Budde
Inner Guard W. Bro W. Somerset
Warden of Regalia V.W. Bro. S. Budde
1st Steward W. Bro. D. Perry
2nd Steward W. Bro W. Somerset